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Everyone must take responsibility for women’s health

By amfnews Aug 20, 2022
Everyone must take responsibility for women's health_AMF NEWSEveryone must take responsibility for women's health

In order to promote women’s wellbeing, attention is given to health issues that specifically or disproportionately affect women, such as bone health, hormonal imbalances, and reproductive problems.

National Women’s Month in August is dedicated to raising awareness of the accomplishments of women in our nation. The ninth of August is National Women’s Day, which historically marks the anniversary of the Great Women’s March of 1956, in which women protested pass books by marching to the Union Buildings. It honours all women as well as the leadership and transformation brought about by women’s tenacity and courage in our nation, both historically and currently.

Although there are many chronic diseases and lifestyle obstacles that affect both men and women’s general health, women’s physical and mental health issues are distinct and necessitate a different approach because of this. In order to promote women’s wellbeing, attention is given to health issues that specifically or disproportionately affect women, such as bone health, hormonal imbalances, and reproductive problems.

The health status in one stage of life might affect the health in a later stage, so it is crucial that women are aware of this and actively manage their wellness throughout their lives. Therefore, in addition to focusing on men’s health awareness during the month of November each year as we recognise the significant contributions made by women to our society, we also need to pay attention to women’s health and wellness. Remembering that health is “a condition of total physical, mental, and social wellbeing and not only the absence of disease or infirmity” is crucial. Organization for World Health). entire individual!

It is helpful to consider that women’s lives can be broadly divided into different life-stages, with each of these stages being profoundly wonderful on the one hand but presenting with distinct challenges on the other, in order to gain a better understanding of the specific issues that have an impact on the health and wellbeing of women. Consider pre-teen and elementary school girls, teens starting to menstruate and entering adolescence, young women who have just entered their reproductive years, mature but still relatively young women who have just experienced menopause, and ageing women over 65.

To try to comprehend why women’s health and wellness require our assistance at every turn, consider the following:

the young woman who begins to menstruate. Because of the hormonal changes occurring at that time in their life, the age at which the first period began gradually decreased and is now between 12 and 13 years old. Physical and emotional growth both accelerate during the adolescent years. Peer pressure is a common factor, and early first dates are becoming more common. Therefore, health concerns include a sharp increase in sexually transmitted diseases as well as unintended pregnancies and demands for abortions.The psychological and emotional concerns, such as depression and eating disorders in those with body image issues, are also more common at this time of life.

The wonder of a successful pregnancy and delivery of children is brought about by health difficulties during the reproductive stage of life, which lasts about between 19 and 40 years of age. The difficulties of nursing a newborn, however, can make it impossible for mothers to get any rest, and babies with colic make this situation even worse. The problems of juggling multiple responsibilities—including being a good mother, partner, and developing a career—may be the root of the mental health issues. This could result in despair and burnout. Premenstrual syndrome exists and should not be overlooked.During this time of life, it is crucial to address real issues such contraception, uncomfortable menstruation, excessive menstruation combined with chronic anaemia, chronic pain from endometriosis, and screening for specific female cancers of the breast, ovaries, uterus, and cervix.

When a woman reaches the menopause, which is defined as the end of menstruation, the body and mind must adjust to the physiological impact that the ovaries’ decreased production of the female hormone oestrogen has on health and wellbeing. It might result in abnormal perspiration, so-called hot flushes, and occasionally mood swings. The sensations that women experience during this time in their lives can range from being extremely mild to being upsetting. Osteoporosis poses a serious risk due to hormonal changes, increasing the likelihood of quick and even spontaneous bone fractures.

Taking care of one’s health and performing early detection and treatment of developing chronic illnesses becomes crucial for older people (those over the age of 65). Because women still live longer than males, on average by around 7 years, women in this age group frequently endure the death of loved ones, loneliness, and depression.

Every one of us, including men and women, should pause during Women’s Month to reflect on how we might better support the wellbeing of women in our nation. beginning with those who are close to us, such as our daughters, wives, mothers, or grandmothers. To release the brilliance of women, we must educate, support, and empathise with them.

By amfnews

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