Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

In a tweet, the NGO said that Odisha govt must release Mitra as a criminal case for such conduct is not justified.

“The Odisha govt must release journalist, Abhijit Iyer-Mitra who was arrested for making a sarcastic comments on two temples in Odisha. The right to #freedomofexpression extends to speech that may be considered offensive by some. A criminal case for such conduct is not justified,” Amnesty India tweeted.

On November 3, Mitra had deposed before the House Committee of the Odisha Assembly for the third time and submitted an affidavit over his alleged remarks against legislators. Iyer submitted the affidavit in presence of the House Committee Chairman Narasingha Mishra and member Sanjay Das Burma at the Odisha Assembly building. Later, the panel’s chairman said that the House Committee will review the affidavit and if need arises, Iyer-Mitra will be asked to re-appear.

On October 23, Iyer-Mitra had tendered an unconditional apology for his derogatory remarks on the Konark Sun Temple and comments on MLAs.

As per the earlier directive of the Odisha Assembly, Iyer-Mitra’s affidavit will be submitted on the first day of the ensuing session of the House.

It is strange that an organisation which claims to be fighting for human rights have made comments against Government of Odisha without going through details of the allegations made against him by a large number of people who have filed F IRs against him in different police stations. As a matter of fact neither Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik nor his Government were responsible for his arrest. His ugly comments in   Twiter have irked a large number of people of  Odisha living all over.

When Abhijit Iyar-Mitra has already admitted the offences publicly Amensty India ‘s stand seems to be unjustified and biased only to glorify him. When the Hon. Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India while refusing his bail plea saying that the hail is the safest place for him. the recent Twit by Amensty India only denigrates the stand of this NGO.

Those who have made an appeal to the Odisha Chief Minister must have common  legal knowledge about filing and withdrawing of any criminal case. As the Chief Minister is not above the law he has no legal right to withdraw any criminal case without trial.

Since Mr Abhijit who is the principal accused in the case has already prayed for mercy . the Courts which are trying his cases may consider about releasing him from the jail only after proper hearing of the case. As such any appeal / twit or comment blaming C.M. Naveen Patnaik to release him from jail or dropping all the criminal cases may not be possible. It is time for all supporters and sympathizers of Mr Abhijiy Iyar-Mitra to challenge his arrest in the appropriate court of law to ensure his release. Such a case should not be given political colour and the blame-game should be over for once and all.

At the same time , the privilege    committee of Odisha Assembly headed by Mr Narasimha Mishra. leader of opposition in the State Assembly which has directed him to submit an affidavit admitting the mistakes he has committed and appealing for pardon. my drop the privilege motion against him for all the ugly comments he had made against the legislators etc. but they have no legal power to drop all the criminal cases. According to many senior legal experts including Mr Durga Charan Mohanty, even the Chief Justice of India have no right to drop the criminal cases without trial which have been fulfilled against him.

By Our Special Correspondent/

We will welcome views of legal experts. NGOs. Media persons in case they have any other views on the subject. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF.


By amfnews

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