Bhubaneswar: As of March 2020, the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, and the virus has spread to many countries and territories.
While COVID-19 continues to spread like wildfire, it is important that the communities take action to prevent further transmission, reduce the impacts of the outbreak and support control measures.
Here are 7 precautions you and your family can take to avoid infection:
- Coronavirus is large in size where the cell diameter is 400-500 micro and for this reason “any mask prevents its entry”.
- The virus does not float in the air, so it is “not transmitted by air”.
- Coronavirus will live for 12 hours on a metal surface, so washing hands with soap and water will “prevent transmission”.
- Coronavirus remains for 9 hours on fabric, so “washing clothes” or being exposed to the sun for two hours meets the purpose of killing it.
- The virus lives on the hands for 10 minutes, so putting an “alcohol sterilizer” in the pocket meets the purpose of prevention.
- If the virus is exposed to a temperature of 26-27 degree Celsius, it will be killed, as it does not live in hot regions.
- Also “drinking hot water and sun exposure” will do the trick and *stay away from ice cream and eating cold* is important.
- Gargle with warm and salt water” kills the tonsils germs and prevents them from leaking into the lungs.
Adherence to these instructions fulfill the purpose of preventing virus spread.