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The Odisha government will gift newly wedded couples with family planning kits that include contraception

By Simanchal Aug 14, 2022 #Featured
The Odisha government will provide wedded couples with family planning kits that include contraception_AMF NEWSThe Odisha government will provide wedded couples with family planning kits that include contraception_AMF NEWS

The Odisha government is prepared to give family planning kits filled with condoms and other requirements for sex life to wedded couples as a crucial countermeasure to population explosion.

The National Health Mission (NHM) has launched a new programme dubbed the “Nai Pahal Scheme” with the goal of educating young couples about the importance of using both temporary and long-term family planning options.

In accordance with the proposal, the state government intends to give newlyweds “wedding kits” that include a brochure on family planning techniques and advantages, a marriage registration form, condoms, and oral and emergency contraceptives.

In addition to this, the kit will also include a pregnancy test and grooming supplies like towels, a comb, bindis, nail cutters, and mirrors.

Dr. Bijay Panigrahy, director of family planning, announced that beginning in September of this year, the newlyweds’ kits will be distributed by accredited social health activists (ASHAs).

ASHAs are receiving training to make sure that the project effectively encourages the new couples to use family planning options.

Despite having a low total fertility rate, Odisha is the first State in the nation to undertake the campaign, according to State Mission Director of NHM Shalini Pandit (TFR).

By Simanchal

Special Correspondent AMF NEWS

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