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The CM of Odisha requests that PM Modi include a default provision for funding in NREGASoft

By Simanchal Aug 23, 2022 #Featured
The CM of Odisha requests that PM Modi include a default provision for funding in NREGASoft_AMF NEWSThe CM of Odisha requests that PM Modi include a default provision for funding in NREGASoft_AMF NEWS

In a letter to Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, Odisha Chief Minister Shri Naveen Patnaik requested the inclusion of a default provision in the NREGASoft e-governance system.

Naveen Patnaik, the chief minister of Odisha, requested in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday that a default provision be included to the NREGASoft electronic government system.

To avoid delays in the payment of wages under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee, the state head urged that PM Modi reconsider the rules for the withdrawal, use, and recoupment of budgeted funds allocated to the “State’s Revolving Fund” (MGNREG).

It is possible to record all NREGA actions at the Center, State, District, Block, and Panchayat levels using NREGAsoft, a workflow-based e-Government system that supports local languages.

Earlier in July, the Odisha government made the decision to give an additional 200 days of employment in the 20 migration-prone Blocks of the state’s four districts, on top of the promised 100 days of work required by the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee (MGNREG) Act, 2005.

In this regard, a New State Sector Scheme called State Support to MGNREGS was authorised by the State Cabinet, which is led by the state’s Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.

The MGNREGA guarantees adults (of rural families) who are willing to perform unskilled manual labour for 100 days per household with legal rights to pay employment. Every rural household is entitled to register under the MGNREG Act, according to the law.

According to an official release from the Panchayati Raj Department, “the Cabinet authorised a new State Sector Scheme ‘State Support to MGNREGS’ in order to stop distress migration in the 20 migration-prone Blocks of the four Districts Balangir, Bargarh, Kalahandi, and Nuapada.

According to the statement, “the job seekers under MGNREGA in the 20 migration-prone blocks of the four districts will be paid additional wages over and above the notified wage rate under MGNREGA to be commensurate with the notified minimum wage rate for the unskilled workers in the state per person per day.”

According to the announcement, the State will be responsible for paying the difference between the announced wage rate under MGNREGA and the state’s minimum wage for unskilled workers.

According to the announcement, the State government will cover the difference between the Notified Minimum Wages for Unskilled Workers in the State and the Notified Wage Rate under MGNREGA under the new State Sector Scheme, State Support to MGNREGS.

The statement continued, “Under the new State Sector Scheme: State Support to MGNREGS, the State Government will bear the entire cost towards the payment of wages at unskilled wage rate notified by the State government per person per day, beyond the guaranteed 100 days of wage employment under MGNREGA.

By Simanchal

Special Correspondent AMF NEWS

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