Mumbai: As per latest reports, the teaser of Kangana Ranaut’s upcoming film ‘Manikarnika’ will be unveiled on October 2. A new still from the movie was released on Saturday which informed that the teaser of the film, which was earlier supposed to be unveiled on Independence Day will finally come out at Gandhi Jayanti on October 02.
The new still shows Kangana Ranaut dressed up as Rani Laxmi Bai of Jhansi, standing against the backdrop of Lord Ganpati. The film, based on the warrior queen of Jhansi captures her historic life and celebrates her strength, valour and courage.
Ever since the commencement of shooting, the film has frequently grabbed attention due to various developments taking place- Kangana taking over as director, escalation of the film’s budget from Rs. 60 crore to Rs. 125 crore and the sudden exit of Sonu Sood from the film followed by his spat with Kangana Ranaut who accused him of being unwilling to act under her direction. Sonu was later replaced by actor Mohammed Zeeshan Ayyub, who played Murari in Raanjhanaa.
Also starring, TV actress Ankita Lokhande, Suresh Oberoi and Jishu Sengupta, Manikarnika is slated for theatrical release on January 25, 2019.