The Kapoors and Ahujas hosted a grand wedding reception for newly-wed couple Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja at The Leela, Mumbai on May 08, 2018. Bollywood celebrities arrived to bless the couple. The wedding reception will be followed by a grand dinner. As per reports, the dress code for the reception is Western formal. Rumours are doing the rounds that British brand Ralph and Russo have created Sonam’s outfit for her starry wedding reception. Bollywood fashionista Sonam tied the knot to businessman Anand Ahuja at her aunt’s bungalow in Bandra. Earlier, the Kapoors and Ahujas confirmed the wedding by releasing a statement which read, “The Kapoor and Ahuja families, take great joy and pride, in announcing the marriage of Sonam and Anand. The wedding will take place on the 8th of May in Mumbai. Since it is an intimate affair, we request you to respect the family’s need for privacy. Thank you for all your blessings and love, as we celebrate this special moment in our lives”. Soon after the wedding, Sonam changed her username to “sonamkapoorahuja” on Instagram. Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja are breaking the internet with their wedding and post-wedding pictures. Photos of the big fat Punjabi wedding went viral on social media.