MUMBAI: The NCP’s Ajit Pawar has backstabbed the people of Maharashtra by joining hands with the BJP, the Shiv Sena said, reacting to the dramatic developments in Maharashtra were Devendra Fadnavis took oath as Chief Minister and Ajit Pawar as his deputy.”Sharad Pawar saheb has nothing to do with this. Ajit Pawar has backstabbed the people of Maharashtra,” Sena leader Sanjay Raut said. “What Ajit Pawar has done will never be forgiven by Chhatrapati Shivaji and the people of Maharashtra,” he added.
The dramatic developments come hours after intense deliberations between the Congress, NCP and Shiv Sena to form a government in the state reached the final stage on Friday and the three parties inched closer to announce an alliance. After the first joint meeting on Friday, the three parties said Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray will be the Chief Minister
“Maharashtra needed a stable government, not a khichidi shaasan (mishmash government),” Mr Fadnavis said after taking oath, adding that the Shiv Sena “did not follow people’s mandate”. “We were invited by the Governor to form government. I thank NCP for supporting us,” he added.