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By amfnews Aug 9, 2018 #Featured


Juggernaut Books  recently released Naveen Patnaik  , the first political biography of one of India’s most popular chief ministers, written by veteran journalist Ruben Banerjee.

Who really is Naveen Patnaik ?  in this book , ruben banerjee lifts the veil from the mysterious politician of odisha. From being Biju patnaik’s sociality son who entered politics after fifty to his record of winning every election he has ever contested — the book covers Naveen’s life in politics and decodes the formula of his success.

With the 2019 election around the corner and speculation high on whether the modi wave will prevail again, Naveen is likely to play a crucial role in national politics in the days ahead, making the book very crucial.

About the book

In 1997 when the beloved odia politician Biju patnaik died, his son Naveen patnaik stepped forward to contest the by-election to Biju’s lok sabha seat. Then fifty-one years old , Naveen , who once ran a boutique in delhi, had never contested an election or held public office. He spoke no odia and was more magnet for attracting voters sympathetic to Biju, not as a genuine politician or leader.

But Naveen proved his skeptics totally wrong. He wrested absolute control of the party and won every election he contested. He has been elected to the lok sabha three times, and as chief minister of Odisha four times. Even the Narendra Modi wave of 2014 didn’t make a dent on Naveen’s numbers. But beyond electoral and party politics, Naveen has an abiding connect witn his voters. His development and administrative record are exemplary. For instance , in 1999 when a cyclone hit Odisha , it left 10000 dead. But under Naveen’s watch when a similar cyclone hit Odisha in 2013, an efficient state machinery ensured that only twenty-one lives lost.

In this book, veteran journalist Ruben Banerjee, who has Naveen since his early days, decodes the success of the enigmatic politician who stays in the shadows and rarely gives interview . this is the thrilling story of the unlikely and seemingly unbeatable politician who many well hold the keys to power in the 2019 general elections.

Snapshots from the book

Having been elected a member of parliament , Naveen arrived in aska-eyed . though just an hour’s drive from the commercial town of Berhampur, known for its unkempt and crowded roads, Aska was primarily rural, Where most people were poor and open defecation was rampant. It fell in the district of ganjam , notorious for what was locally known as the ‘ganjam salute’, where in hundred of man and woman lining the roads to defecate at night would stand up, preserve their modesty, the moment the headlights of speeding vehicles fell on them and sit down again when they passed , in seemingly unending waves. Aska was close to the tranquil  sea resort to Gopalpur, but it epitomized the underdevelopment and poverty that have historically  plagued Odisha , Naveen , too, was aghast and possibly held his nose at time as he negotiated  Aska’s serpentine  roads, lined  with filth and human excreta. But he was also impressed  with what Aska  had to offer in spite of its collective misery. For one, the refion was famous for the hordes of blackbucks that roamed freely by the side of the roads and in the courtyards of houses. Naveen was smitten by their beauty but also horrified to learn  that the animals were routinely killed by speeding vehicles and sometime poached. So one of the first things he did  as MP was to paint a  picture of the gentle creature himself. He got some thousand prints to school of the painting framed with the message ‘ save the Blackbucks’ scrolled across. He gave these prints to school for distribution among the students as a gift the newly elected MP.

Naveen’s lifestyle:

The new chief minister, personal staff said , had set habits. He would start the day with a glass of orange juice, a few slice of watermelon or papaya and a cup of coffee. Then he would get bussy meeting those who came into his dining room , lighting up one cigarette after another.

When he left for the state secretariat  around 11 a.m.,  he would have a glass of coconut water. He would return home for a very light lunch, mostly khichdi and a bowl of curd or simply bread and soup, and head back to the office. Returning home past dusk , he would settle down for a drink of famous grouse whisky after 9 p.m., thought Article V(B2) of the 37 BJD party constitution stipulated that ‘party members should abstain from alcoholic drinks and drugs’. Dinner was the time when Naveen would indulge himself, with his only proper meal of the day. Red-hot thai chicken curry was said to be one of his favorites.

Naveen the ruler:

A  widow in dasmantpur of koraput district was equally greatful. The chief minister was visiting the southern district when the lady fell at his feet. A mother of two , she was pregnant with a third child, but her husband , a trucker , had died in a road accident two months earlier. The lady sobbed, seeking help, and Naveen was shaken. He got into the car to be driven to the helipad from where he would fly to another district , but kept repeating aloud , ‘ she is pregnant ,has  two children ,her husband is dead. What will she do?’ the senior most bureaucrat accompanying the chief minister got the message. He called the collector and ordered that help should be provided straight away. An hour later , when Naveen disembarked from the helicopter he again asked the officials what the lady would do, and they told him the collector had already given her a widow pension, allotted her a house under the Indira Awaas Yojana and given her a job at the local anganwadi center. Only then did the chief minister seem to relax.

Why Naveen wins?

‘Naveen wins big because he is primarily a minister’, said a top bureaucrat who had in the past been a close associate of the chief minister. Ever since he first campaigned to be elected as the MP from Aska, hiding his lit cigarette from the people , Naveen has been mindful of his image. Unliked the other average politicians of Odisha , synonymous with pompousness and hubris, Naveen is low –key and shy. He came without any baggage and has till now not collected any. He uprooted himdelf from his cocktail circuit and came to live in Bhubaneswar , without family or friends. In the initial years, he had two acquaintances to share a drink with a Naveen niwas- A.U. singh deo and jay oanda. But despite being the most powerful person in the state , his social circle has only shrunk. Today Naveen determines the destiny of 4.5 crore odias, but he drinks whisky alone at home , having fallen out with both singh deo and panda . he failed to make any new friends in the intervening years. He generally keeps to himself and his Spartan lifestyle – kurta-pyjama and chappals without any ostentatious outward sign – has left no room for accusations to be leveled at him. That he has no family of friends hanging about has immensely helped Naveen bolster his image as incorruptible. From time to time , his ministerial colleagues and party legislators get embroiled in controversies. They regularly face accusations. ‘ why would he be corrupt? Heis all alone and has no reason to be corrupt,’ pointed out Anjali Behera, a housewife in the coastal town of Kendrapara. Such sentiments are commonly held, both in the state’s urban centres and in its rural heartland . Naveen Babu is not corrupt though his men may be corrupt,’ insisted trilochan bhoi, a part-time teacher in the tribal district of Keonjhar . that Naveen is personally honest a widely held belief that has survived the test of time . even political rivals concede that accusations of corruption at a personal lavel will not syick or tarnish the chief minister’s own integrity has never been in doubt. ‘ why he would need to be dishonest? He has no reason to be , explained das. Prasad harichandan was the Odisha congress president from 2014 to early 2018. Even the confessed that targeting Naveen over graft was  a difficult task. ‘he is still seen to be honest. You may call it our failure, ‘ harichandan admitted.


By amfnews

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