Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Bhubaneswar: In the wake of Coronavirus outbreak whole of Odisha is continuing through lock down. Barring very few people who are providing essential services, all others are at home. At this juncture a gift has been offered by ‘Kadambini’ family. You can read the February and March issue of this Odisha’s premier and highest circulated  monthly magazine completely free of cost.

Dr. Iti Samanta, editor of ‘Kadambini’ and ‘Kunikatha’ has offered this free gift to one and all.

The letter by the editor reads, “The whole world is now fighting against Coronavirus. This is a time to be aware and to take ample precautions to keep us and our family members away from the jaws of the deadly COVID 19 virus. Now many of you are at home. If, at this time, you will get something to read, that will be good. Keeping this in mind ‘Kadambini’ has made a simple effort to provide you this gift.

“For the last 20 years Kadambini, Priya paribarika bandhana, Amara, Apanamanankara, Ama samastankara, has been providing its readers with top and entertaining literature contents through the magazine. To read something at home, Kadambaini has offered this free gift with which you can read at your home. The February and March edition of the magazine can be read online from the comfort of your home. Don’t go outside rather stay at home and read ‘Kadambini’. In the coming days also, Kadambini will try to keep this effort up. Stay at home and read kadambini and stay healthy.” – said the letter by Dr. Iti Samanta, Editor, Kadambini and Kunikatha.

‘The Kadambini’ is the largest circulated (certified by ABC) monthly family magazine of Odisha with the largest readership. A comprehensive family magazine ‘The Kadambini’ has captured the mindscape of all sections of people of the state. It has also created it’s space in the heart of Odias residing in the country and abroad. This attractive monthly magazine with its broad content-mix and quality printing, caters to the taste of all cultured Odias regardless of age, gender and income level. ‘The Kadambini’ recipe of success is simple. It offers something for everyone. Every issue contains cover-features on topical social and cultural issues; life-style and fashion trends; movies and television; fiction, poetry, serial novels; Odia translations of classics from other languages; sports; health; beauty; cookery and household tips. The monthly magazine hits the stands with unfailing regularity on the 1st of every month. Apart from the regular issues ‘The Kadambini’ brings out four special issues every year. Each issue, be it regular or special is a keepsake — a glossy work of art with multicoloured layouts so beautiful that it catches attention of all section of readers. Needless to say, with so much going for it ‘The Kadambini’ provides the dream-vehicle for all to access the Odia cultural psyche.

Here are the links:

By amfnews

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