Odisha Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi strongly criticized the West Bengal TMC government, led by Mamata Banerjee, for the ongoing potato crisis in Odisha. Speaking at the “KRUSHI ODISHA 2025” event, Majhi accused the Bengal government of deliberately halting potato supplies to Odisha, while highlighting the proactive measures taken by his BJP-led administration to ensure agricultural self-sufficiency in the state.
TMC Accused of Blackmailing Odisha
Majhi held Mamata Banerjee responsible for the potato shortage, claiming, “Despite reaching out to Mamata Didi, her actions clearly show there’s no ‘mamata’ (affection) for Odisha.” He further alleged that West Bengal was intentionally blocking potato-laden trucks to pressure Odisha.
Deputy Chief Minister K.V. Singh Deo echoed this sentiment, accusing the TMC government of blackmailing Odisha during the crisis. “West Bengal has stopped potato supplies, but we have a plan in place to make Odisha self-reliant in potato production,” Singh Deo asserted.
BJP Government’s Proactive Measures
Under the leadership of CM Majhi, the BJP government has implemented several initiatives to boost potato production and reduce dependency on West Bengal. Key measures include:
- Distribution of 1.6 lakh kilograms of potato seeds to 1.80 lakh farmers, a significant increase from the 45,000 kilograms distributed in 2023.
- Establishment of cold storage facilities in all 58 sub-divisions to preserve agricultural produce.
- Encouragement of large-scale potato farming to meet the state’s annual requirement of 10.21 lakh metric tons.
These measures reflect the BJP government’s commitment to empowering farmers and addressing the state’s agricultural challenges.
Criticism of the Previous BJD Government
Majhi also blamed the previous BJD administration for failing to make Odisha self-sufficient in potato and onion production. He mocked the BJD’s failed “Potato Mission” and “Jackfruit Mission,” accusing them of inefficiency and lack of vision.
“The BJD government’s initiatives were like successful operations where the patient didn’t survive,” Majhi quipped, emphasizing that his administration is focused on delivering real results.
Opposition Pushback
In response, senior BJD leader Arun Kumar Sahoo defended the previous government’s record, highlighting achievements in milk, egg, fish, and vegetable production. However, the BJP government’s rapid response to the potato crisis has been widely praised.
Majhi Government: A Vision for Self-Reliance
By tackling the potato crisis head-on and implementing long-term agricultural reforms, the Majhi government is setting a strong example of proactive governance. The BJP’s focus on reducing external dependence and empowering local farmers underlines its commitment to Odisha’s development.
Majhi’s strong leadership and decisive actions against external blackmail and internal inefficiencies have reinforced the BJP’s reputation as a party that delivers on its promises.