The special CBI court on Thursday sent former finance minister Chidambaram to CBI custody for four days till August 26 in the INX Media corruption case.
NEW DELHI: NEW DELHI; Senior Congress leader Kapil Sibal on Friday took a swipe at the government, saying the “economy is in ICU” and the Modi government has issued a “look out notice” for all those defending civil liberties.
His jibe of government issuing look out notice was an obvious reference to probe agencies issuing such a notice for party colleague P Chidambaram and arresting him.
The special CBI court on Thursday sent former finance minister Chidambaram to CBI custody for four days till August 26 in the INX Media corruption case.
“The events of the last few weeks have shown that both, the economy and the cause of liberty, need a stimulus package,” said Mr Sibal, who also represented P Chidambaram in court.
“The economy is in ICU and government has issued a ”look out notice” for all those defending civil liberties,” he said in a tweet.