Route no. 11 connecting Sikharchandi Vihar to Lingipur will be open for passengers from tomorrow. A total of 21 buses will ply on this route connecting 49 bus stops. The services will be available from 6 am to 10 pm.
The route originates from Sikharchandi Vihar, runs via Master Canteen and ends at Lingipur, covering a total stretch of 20 kilometers. This is one of the major culture & heritage corridors in Bhubaneswar and ‘Mo Bus’ service would link citizens and tourists alike to famed heritage monuments and sites such as Lingaraj Temple, Kedar Gouri Temple and Sisupalgarh.
There are a total of 49 bus stops and the major stops include Infocity, Sailashree Vihar, Acharya Vihar, Vani Vihar, Satyanagar, Master Canteen, Kalpana, Ravi Talkies, Samantarapur, etc.
The route would also benefit the health service seeking passengers as it connects to prominent medical institutions in the city like KIMS, Kalinga Hospital and Apollo Hospital.
Approximately, over 15,000 passengers commute on this route on a daily basis during peak hours. To meet the demand of this traffic, 21 ‘Mo Bus’ vehicles, including AC buses, would ply on this route at eight minute interval during peak hours and 15 min interval at other times of the day.