Mon. Jun 24th, 2024

Narendra Modi Takes Oath as India’s Prime Minister for Historic Third Consecutive Term 

Narendra Modi Takes Oath as India's Prime Minister for Historic Third Consecutive Term_AMF NEWSNarendra Modi Takes Oath as India's Prime Minister for Historic Third Consecutive Term_AMF NEWS

In a momentous event at the Rashtrapati Bhavan, Shri Narendra Modi took the oath of office for a historic third consecutive term as India’s Prime Minister. This grand ceremony, attended by thousands of guests including dignitaries from neighboring countries, marks a significant milestone as Modi equals former Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru’s record of three consecutive terms. 


A Grand Ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan 


The leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Narendra Modi, pledged to “do right to all manner of people without affection or ill-will” as he was sworn in by President Draupadi Murmu. The ceremony saw tight security measures, with Delhi declared a no-fly zone and over 2,500 police officers deployed around the venue to ensure safety. 


Electoral Results and Coalition Dynamics 


Modi’s BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) secured a decisive victory in the general elections, winning 293 seats in the Lok Sabha. Although the victory margin was lower than exit polls had predicted, the NDA’s win ensures Modi’s continued leadership. The resurgence of India’s opposition, which won 234 seats, highlights the competitive nature of this election. 


Despite the BJP not achieving an outright majority, the NDA coalition, with key allies like the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) and the Janata Dal (United) JD(U), successfully crossed the 272-seat mark needed to form the government. This coalition dynamic emphasizes the importance of strategic alliances in India’s complex political landscape. 


Modi’s Commitment and Vision 


During his address, Modi reiterated his commitment to the sovereignty and integrity of India, stating, “I will do right to all manner of people in accordance with the constitution and the law without fear or favor.” He emphasized his government’s priorities, including eradicating corruption and poverty, and empowering the poor and middle class. 


Modi also addressed the criticisms and challenges faced during the election campaign. He countered the opposition’s narrative by affirming, “Opposition tried to paint 2024 Lok Sabha results as a loss for us. But we didn’t lose, we never lost, we will never lose.” His message was one of resilience and determination to continue the work of his previous terms. 


The Role of Allies and Opposition 


The support from NDA coalition partners was crucial in securing Modi’s third term. While the exact concessions made to these allies are not clear, Indian media speculate that key ministerial posts may have been part of the negotiations. This collaboration underscores the delicate balance of power within the coalition and the strategic importance of regional allies. 


The opposition INDIA alliance, led by the Congress party, has pledged to hold the government accountable and protect the constitution. This commitment signals a robust parliamentary opposition that will play a vital role in the democratic process. 


A Historic Milestone 


At 73, Modi becomes only the second Indian prime minister to achieve three consecutive terms, a testament to his enduring popularity and political acumen. His leadership has been marked by significant electoral victories and a strong presence in India’s political arena. 


The ceremony at Rashtrapati Bhavan was not just a formal event but a celebration of democratic processes and the will of the people. With leaders from Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives in attendance, the event also highlighted India’s regional significance and diplomatic relationships. 


Looking Ahead 


As Modi embarks on his third term, the expectations are high. His previous terms have seen transformative policies and ambitious projects. The coming years will likely focus on consolidating these gains and addressing the challenges that lie ahead. 


Narendra Modi’s historic third term is a pivotal moment in India’s political history. It reflects the dynamic nature of Indian democracy and sets the stage for continued development and governance under his leadership. As India moves forward, the impact of Modi’s policies and his vision for the country will continue to shape its future. 

By Prasanta Patnaik

Prasanta Patnaik is one of the senior-most media personalities of Odisha. He is also one of the first founder members of the Associated Media Foundation.

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