Sat. Mar 15th, 2025

This Besha is observed on Kartik Purnima in each year. This bhesha is as like as Suna besha on the Chariot in front of Lions gate of Sri Mandir. This bhesha is mostly liked by the local kings of Orissa and they used to donate different golden ornaments bejewelled with valuable stones. The deities are decorated with 23rd type of golden ornaments.

During these five days, the Holy Trinity will dressed up in various beshas (attires).

Expecting a huge rush of devotees during these five days, the temple and district administrations have made elaborate arrangements.

Another event that takes place in Kartika Purnima morning is ‘Boita Bandana’. In Odia language ‘Boita’ means ‘Boat’. This reminds the maritime glory of Odisha state. In old days the Odisha sea traders used to sail off to distant islands like Java, Sumatra, Ceylon etc. for trade by boats (Boita).

Thousands of devotees came to Puri sea beach early morning (before Sun rise) to float their boats in the sea and to enjoy beautiful Sun rise on the day of Kartika Purnima.

By amfnews

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