The project also involves Varroc Lighting Systems, which supplies the headlamps, and Competitive Green Technologies, the processor of the coffee chaff.

Ford Motor Company and McDonald’s USA have collaborated to convert coffee bean skins to vehicle parts such as headlamp housing. We all know that the dried skin (chaff) of the bean comes off during the roasting process and it’s this skin that Ford will use to reinforce certain vehicle parts. The company found that chaff can be converted into a durable material. By heating the chaff to high temperatures under low oxygen, mixing it with plastic and other additives and turning it into pellets, the material can be formed into various shapes.

By heating the chaff to high temperatures under low oxygen and mixing it with plastic and other additives it turns to pellets

McDonald’s is expected to direct a significant portion of its coffee chaff in North America to Ford to be incorporated into vehicle parts. The project also involves Varroc Lighting Systems, which supplies the headlamps, and Competitive Green Technologies, the processor of the coffee chaff.