![modi and shah](https://i2.wp.com/www.opindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/modi-and-shah.jpeg?resize=696%2C385&ssl=1)
At the stroke of midnight, when the world slept, the Lok Sabha passed the Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB). Well, not really at the stroke of midnight, but you get the drift. As most savoured the moment, the self-proclaimed seculars and self-appointed custodians of the ‘secular fabric of the nation’ took to Twitter to let the world know of the ‘impending doom’ that awaits India.
People started blaming their insomnia on passing of Citizenship Amendment Bill in Lok Sabha.
So many people on my timeline echoing the same damn thing: they can’t sleep because of what transpired in the Indian Parliament today. I can’t either. #CABAgainstConstitution
How will you sleep tonight, or any other night?
Perhaps as demonic spawn, or not at all.#CitizenshipAmendmentBill2019 #CABAgainstConstitution
Funny how some people are, even at this shameful moment, insisting that #CitizenshipAmendmentBill is Jinnah’s design and something Jinnah would be happy at. Jinnah has been long dead. Please own up to this shit without deflecting the blame on to imaginary characters.
Most delightful tweet. Jinnah propagated the two-nation theory and wanted a separate country for Muslims. Rashid wants those who passed the CAB to own up to it rather than ‘deflecting’ the blame on ‘imaginary characters’. One is not able to decide whether she meant Jinnah is a figment of our imagination.
Someone then asked her if her tweet was sarcastic, because these days one can’t really be too sure. To that, Rashid said most certainly not.
No, Nina. We gotta do this on our own. Let’s not look for a Muslim guy to put the blame upon. Jinnah didn’t table the CAB. Amit Shah did.
Suddenly Jinnah then becomes the ‘Muslim guy’ who shouldn’t be blamed. Well, whether he is ‘imaginary character’ or just a ‘Muslim guy’ who shouldn’t be blamed, one can’t really take away the credit from him for creating the monster of a country called Pakistan.
Part-time actor and full-time Twitter activist Swara Bhasker tweeted how she does not want her ‘hard earned money as taxpayer’ to be spent funding this ‘bigoted NRC/CAB project’.
Swara Bhasker
I do not want my hard earned money as a taxpayer to be spent in funding this sick bigoted NRC/CAB project! #CAB #CABAgainstConstitution #CABBill #NRCBill #IndiaAgainstCAB
Bhasker is a JNU alumnus.
Senior journalists used the opportunity to get retweets and increase their visibility.
RT if you have lost count of the number of times this year you wanted to Tweet ‘Black Day’ but didn’t.
vijaita singh
But Bangladesh was created only in 1971. https://twitter.com/BJP4India/status/1204088055369355264 …BJP
बांग्लादेश में 1947 में अल्पसंख्यकों की आबादी 22% थी जो 2011 में 7.8 % हो गई। आखिर कहां गए ये लोग।
जो लोग विरोध करते हैं उन्हें में पूछना चाहता हूं कि अल्पसंख्यकों का क्या दोष है कि वो इस तरह क्षीण किए गये?: श्री @AmitShah #CitizenshipAmendmentBill2019