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According to Lancet’s research, Covid will continue, but the pandemic’s conclusion is near.

By amfnews Jan 21, 2022 #Featured
According to a Lancet research, Covid will continue, but the pandemic's conclusion is near_AMF NEWSAccording to a Lancet research, Covid will continue, but the pandemic's conclusion is near_AMF NEWS

According to a study published in The Lancet, Covid will persist, but the pandemic’s end is imminent, and the virus will become another recurrent disease that health systems and communities will have to deal with.

Covid-19 infections will persist, but the pandemic’s end is imminent, according to a report published in The Lancet, which states that “Covid-19 will return after the Omicron wave, but the pandemic will not.”
“Covid-19 will become yet another recurring disease that health systems and societies must deal with. The age of governments and society taking exceptional steps to restrict SARS-CoV-2 spread will come to an end “According to the research,

The report went on to say that the virus’s transmission will continue “Immunity, whether acquired from infection or vaccination, will diminish, allowing SARS-CoV-2 transmission to persist. Countries may expect higher potential transmission in the winter months due to seasonality.”

The virus’s impact, however, will be reduced, according to the study. “The effects of future SARS-CoV-2 transmission on health, on the other hand, will be less because of widespread previous exposure to the virus, regularly adapted vaccines to new antigens or variants, the advent of antivirals, and the knowledge that the vulnerable can protect themselves during future waves when needed by using high-quality masks and physical distance,” the report said.

According to the report, “The most recent omicron peaks are expected in nations where the Omicron wave has yet to begin, such as Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. Increased SARS-CoV-2 testing, for example, is likely to cause more disruption by removing more people from work or school, but it is unlikely to affect the omicron wave’s trajectory.”
“Covid-19 control techniques must be reset in the omicron era. Attempts to contact trace appears to be hopeless, given the speed and strength of the omicron wave “It was stated.

The report emphasised how governments and societies around the world have worked to adapt to the pandemic and how it has transformed and saved lives. It stated: “Over the last two years, tremendous social efforts to respond to a new virus have transformed how people live their lives. Governments all across the world have devised policy responses. Countless lives have been saved as a result of these efforts around the world.”

By amfnews

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