Following to the order released by District Collector Manish Agarwal, Malkangiri Excise department had speeded up the action to destroy illegal drug cultivation and its smuggling. Such a smuggling was traced by the Malkangiri excise department.
Reportedly, the Excise department officials succeeded in seizing 45kg 600gm cannabis with a motor cycle and arrested 4 accused involved in the case.
As per the report, An Excise team headed by Excise SP Ashok Kumar Seth followed by SI Jaga Rao, Raju Kheti, Amar Mohapatra and Bipul Jodar last night performing patrolling ascertained 2 bikes rushing from Barja towards Gangla. Suspecting some illegal the bikes were detained and found 2 polythene bags on each bikes. When searched ascertained contraband cannabis. Taking immediate action, SP Seth seized the articles with bike and arrested 4 accused. The weight of the cannabis was 45kg 600gm. In a primary interrogation the accused stated the cannabis was transported from Barja area of Kudumuduguma under Orkel PS to Gangla village.
The accused were identified as Bhima Khilo(23) of Dhangdaguda, Ram Ch. Khilo (46) of Pedawada, Shyam Sundar Pangi(22) of Alampada and Jagatram Khilo(28). The accused along with seized articles were forwarded to court. The estimated cost of cannabis out of state would be more than 4.5 lakhs.
Apart from these the excise department are successful in destryong illegal cannabis cultivation